Identity Memory Constructs - Transition of Dance Body Idioms

  • Sonja Zdravkova Djeparoska University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia


Memory, in particular collective memory, is a process of recording historical events, social changes, as well as identity features of a nation. Memory gets its definition with dance, too. These memory composites are most commonly created with the purpose of highlighting a distinct feature, especially when talking about national memory. Although kinesthetic composition, unlike verbal, is more complex to formulate, standardize and interpret, it has yet created impressive representatives in the field of national culture. One of the most significant and most commonly used symbols of Macedonian identity in the years following establishment of Socialist Republic Macedonia, is the folk dance Teshkoto. It has been used as a repeated emblem in art (literature, painting, sculpturing, music), thus becoming famous countrywide and turning into an idiom of identity. Teshkoto is an example where the very title, as well as the manner of performance, establishes a matrix that is identified with presentation of various historical stages and processes, the Macedonians’ hardships and struggle throughout the centuries. Unlike this example, we have recently been witnessing a process of stressing the Macedonians’ historical antique background, a process that is characterized with taking new direction towards different national memory constructs. These new ways highlight a completely new aspect of the identity composite, and that is the extraordinary heroism of the heroes presented, i.e. the representatives of Macedonian national history. This trend of introduction of new traits of the nation started with a majority of sculptures, dances, which were erected at the most frequented parts of the capital of Macedonia. The new trend is presented with figures that feature warlike and victorious spirit. This new way of looking at these things was gradually transmitted to dance as well. There are already a few dance pieces inspired by the great Macedonian warrior, Alexander the Great. With them we witness the transition of the memory identity matrices, which, in this case, are framed by a totally different context.


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How to Cite
ZDRAVKOVA DJEPAROSKA, Sonja. Identity Memory Constructs - Transition of Dance Body Idioms. Култура/Culture, [S.l.], n. 4, p. 97-104, nov. 2014. ISSN 1857-7725. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 may 2024.
English Articles


: Identity, memory constructs, body, dance, Teshkoto