Култура / Culture
No 9 (2015)This edition of the Culture/Култура journal, as several of the previous issues, is dedicated to the topic of CULTURAL MEMORY. The editorial board felt compelled to publish a selection of the papers presented at the First International Conference of the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies, which took place in Skopje (Macedonia), between September 5th and 7th, 2013. The conference was held with a singular goal in mind: to allow researchers from across the scientific disciplines to engage in meaningful debate and discourse on the vast topic that is cultural memory. In turn, over 300 papers were presented, stemming from/across distinct disciplines, while at the same time, successfully practicing a heightened interdisciplinary approach. Henceforth, offering a selection of papers that strictly define a singular cultural memory approach is simply impossible. The editorial board thus tried to offer a way into categorizing the papers, yet any one strict categorization could neither prove sufficient nor exhaustive, since most papers immediately and apparently addressed several categories, while some eluded any. -
Култура / Culture
No 8 (2014)This edition of the Culture/Култура journal, as several of the upcoming issues, is dedicated to the topic of CULTURAL MEMORY. The editorial board felt compelled to publish a selection of the papers presented at the First International Conference of the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies, which took place in Skopje (Macedonia), between September 5th and 7th, 2013. The conference was held with a singular goal in mind: to allow researchers from across the scientific disciplines to engage in meaningful debate and discourse on the vast topic that is cultural memory. In turn, over 300 papers were presented, stemming from/across distinct disciplines, while at the same time, successfully practicing a heightened interdisciplinary approach. Henceforth, offering a selection of papers that strictly define a singular cultural memory approach is simply impossible. The editorial board thus tried to offer a way into categorizing the papers, yet any one strict categorization could neither prove sufficient nor exhaustive, since most papers immediately and apparently addressed several categories, while some eluded any. -
Култура / Culture
No 7 (2014)This edition of the Culture/Култура journal, as several of the upcoming issues, is dedicated to the topic of CULTURAL MEMORY. The editorial board felt compelled to publish a selection of the papers presented at the First International Conference of the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies, which took place in Skopje (Macedonia), between September 5th and 7th, 2013. The conference was held with a singular goal in mind: to allow researchers from across the scientific disciplines to engage in meaningful debate and discourse on the vast topic that is cultural memory. In turn, over 300 papers were presented, stemming from/across distinct disciplines, while at the same time, successfully practicing a heightened interdisciplinary approach. Henceforth, offering a selection of papers that strictly define a singular cultural memory approach is simply impossible. The editorial board thus tried to offer a way into categorizing the papers, yet any one strict categorization could neither prove sufficient nor exhaustive, since most papers immediately and apparently addressed several categories, while some eluded any. -
Култура / Culture
No 6 (2014)This edition of the Culture/Култура journal, as several of the upcoming issues, is dedicated to the topic of CULTURAL MEMORY. The editorial board felt compelled to publish a selection of the papers presented at the First International Conference of the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies, which took place in Skopje (Macedonia), between September 5th and 7th, 2013. The conference was held with a singular goal in mind: to allow researchers from across the scientific disciplines to engage in meaningful debate and discourse on the vast topic that is cultural memory. In turn, over 300 papers were presented, stemming from/across distinct disciplines, while at the same time, successfully practicing a heightened interdisciplinary approach. Henceforth, offering a selection of papers that strictly define a singular cultural memory approach is simply impossible. The editorial board thus tried to offer a way into categorizing the papers, yet any one strict categorization could neither prove sufficient nor exhaustive, since most papers immediately and apparently addressed several categories, while some eluded any. -
Култура / Culture
No 5 (2014)This edition of the Култура/Culture journal, as several of the upcoming issues, is dedicated to the topic of CULTURAL MEMORY. The editorial board felt compelled to publish a selection of the papers presented at the First International Conference of the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies, which took place in Skopje (Macedonia), between September 5th and 7th, 2013. The conference was held with a singular goal in mind: to allow researchers from across the scientific disciplines to engage in meaningful debate and discourse on the vast topic that is cultural memory. In turn, over 300 papers were presented, stemming from/across distinct disciplines, while at the same time, successfully practicing a heightened interdisciplinary approach. Henceforth, offering a selection of papers that strictly define a singular cultural memory approach is simply impossible. The editorial board thus tried to offer a way into categorizing the papers, yet any one strict categorization could neither prove sufficient nor exhaustive, since most papers immediately and apparently addressed several categories, while some eluded any. -
Култура / Culture
No 4 (2013)This edition of the Култура/Culture journal, as several of the upcoming issues, is dedicated to the topic of CULTURAL MEMORY. The editorial board felt compelled to publish a selection of the papers presented at the First International Conference of the Center for Culture and Cultural Studies, which took place in Skopje (Macedonia), between September 5th and 7th, 2013. The conference was held with a singular goal in mind: to allow researchers from across the scientific disciplines to engage in meaningful debate and discourse on the vast topic that is cultural memory. In turn, over 300 papers were presented, stemming from/across distinct disciplines, while at the same time, successfully practicing a heightened interdisciplinary approach. Henceforth, offering a selection of papers that strictly define a singular cultural memory approach is simply impossible. The editorial board thus tried to offer a way into categorizing the papers, yet any one strict categorization could neither prove sufficient nor exhaustive, since most papers immediately and apparently addressed several categories, while some eluded any. -
Култура / Culture
No 3 (2012)Thematic issue: “Europe without borders”
The articles in this issue of the journal Култура/Culture are results of the project: Intercultural / multicultural: Europe without borders, that under the leadership of prof. Dr. Loreta Georgievska – Jakovleva and prof. Dr. Mishel Pavlovski was prepared in the Institute of Macedonian Literature at the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius“ in Skopje, and financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia within the competition for funding projects of national interest in 2010. Starting from the position that the concepts interculturalism and multiculturalism are constituting reality, culture and everyday life, the purpose of this debate, which took place in the framework of the project was to examine the impact of the phrase “Europe without borders” and meanings that this phrase is acquiring through various, primarily cultural, practices. One of the motivations for the work on this topic was the abolition of the visa regime for Macedonia. It was expected the citizens in this country to achieve greater mobility, and thus greater intercultural communication and to network with European processes in all spheres of life. In terms of culture, these expectations have raised the question of the preservation of the authenticity and the authenticity of one’s own culture and cultural values, an issue which within the framework of science has long been on the agenda in connection with the processes of globalization. This in turn implies the need to examine the ability to absorb other people’s cultural values and habits as part of the process of intercultural and multicultural learning. It seemed to us that the answer to these questions may not be valid, if we do not have the vision and the experience of others. For that purpose for the debate an English explorers and researchers from abroad were invited. The aim of the project was to exchange experiences in terms of multicultural/intercultural communication, to exchange and share knowledge and experiences, and thus to make a step towards the actual realization of the idea of “Europe without borders”. Subjects were back as an incentive for thinking were: The topics that were given as an incentive for reflection were:
- Where / what is Europe?
- Immigration, migration and multiculturalism
- Is there a European identity?
- Can a national identity be transnationalised and / or regionalised?
- Which part of the RM can be implemented in the phrase “unity of difference” which is used for European identity?