The 2013 Social Protests in Bulgaria: Slogans and Images

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Nelly Velinova Marian Tomov Lilia Raycheva


The study analyses the 2013 social protests in Bulgaria, reflected through the messages that protesters inspired with their actions. Protests are divided into two waves: the February and the June protests. Differences lie mainly in the objectives of the protesters and the methods for their achieving. The February protests, triggered by the high electricity bills and the disapproval of the living standards were more aggressive. They resulted in resignation of the acting government followed by preliminary Parliamentary elections. The June protests had mainly moral purpose – they aimed at sustaining the democratic standards in the country. The civil society representatives avoided aggression in street processions. They presented their demands peacefully and positively with a significant sense of irony and humor. A comparative analysis of the messages and the photo images of both protests outline the essence of the study.

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How to Cite
VELINOVA, Nelly; TOMOV, Marian; RAYCHEVA, Lilia. The 2013 Social Protests in Bulgaria: Slogans and Images. Investigating Culture, [S.l.], n. 1, sep. 2015. ISSN 1857-9116. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.
: social protests, media, images, issues, audience
English articles


[1] This publication has been produced with the assistance of the Scientific Research Fund of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Project № 17/09. 04. 2014: Political pluralism in contemporary media ecosystem.

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[3] Electrical power distribution in Bulgaria was managed by a state-owned monopoly until 2005, when the government sold 67 % of it to three foreign power companies - German E.ON, Austrian EVN Group and Czech ČEZ Group. In 2011, E.ON sold its Bulgarian branch to the Czech Energo-Pro, and on the next year the state sold its stakes in ČEZ. EVN, ČEZ and Energo-Pro virtually operate as private regional monopolies whose activities are overseen by the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (SCEWR). The state also sold its power distribution infrastructure to them and lost control over the management of profits.

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[6] Bulgarian State Agency for National Security (in Bulgarian the abbreviation ‘DANS’ is used as a pun for ’dance’)

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[14] Виж децата на протеста (See the Children of the Protest). 24 Hours daily, 20.06.2013

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